1. My transformative photo was actually taken very recently. It is this picture from my most recent project that I did on desserts:
Setting up this picture was something that I really enjoyed doing and when I was done I found myself taking hundreds of different pictures of this one plate from every possible angle. When I had to start editing it was extremely difficult for me to just pick one picture and I spent a while debating between a few shots that I especially liked. I finally settled on the picture above and edited it to my liking. When I was done, I was really proud of my work for the first time in a while. Taking this picture showed me how much I actually like photography and how rewarding it is when you get to see the final product. It also made me more confident in my photography skills and helped me find my style of photography.
2. The difference between shape and form is that shape captures an object's 2-D lines, while form captures an object from a 3-D perspective. This is my picture showing shape. This is my picture showing form.
3. The difference between pattern and repetition is that pattern is the repeating of an object or symbol, while repetition works with pattern to make the picture seem active and to create unity in the picture. This is my picture showing repetition. This is my picture showing pattern.
4. Movement is the path the viewer’s eye takes through the picture. It can be directed along lines, edges, shape, and even color. My picture showing movement is:

This picture shows movement because the viewer's eye follows the lines from the top of the picture to the bottom or the other way around.
5. Of the last three projects, the most recent one that I did on desserts (shown here) was my best work because I genuinely enjoyed setting up, taking, and editing these pictures. I felt like I was a real photographer because I was able to apply all of the photography skills I learned this year. This project also helped me realize that I am better suited to photographing still objects on backgrounds that I can create or manipulate. For the first time I was able to execute the vision I had in my mind perfectly, and I am really proud of the outcome.